CHARM is a 100% volunteer-led 501(c)3 nonprofit organization - all of your tax-deductible contributions directly support strengthening resiliency and well-being for grieving families with children in Southern AZ through our Camp Druzy, Pals Community, and Tapestry programs. We also support schools with SEL training and resources at no cost. We need your help to continue to provide our transformative, resiliency-building supports to families and local schools, please donate today!
Child Health & Resilience Mastery® (CHARM) is an Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO) serving Southern Arizona students, educators, and grieving families in need to strengthen their resiliency in health-promoting ways.
Executive Council 70 will match your contribution, with no processing fees, by 25% if you donate your AZ tax credits HERE.
Contribute up to $938 for joint filers and $470 for single filers and receive a dollar-for-dollar refund or credit on your Arizona taxes!
Your tax-deductible contributions shift Arizona tax dollars from the state's general fund to CHARM and provide families, educators, and community leaders with strengths- and evidence-based knowledge and services that promote positive child and family health outcomes.
For cash contributions donate by Zelle to and directly benefit CHARM with no added fees. You can also mail your contribution, c/o "Child Health & Resilience Mastery", to our mailing address at 7941 E. Presidio Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85750 and we will send you a receipt.
Please also consider leaving a legacy/planned gift. A gift of this nature will assure that children and families in Southern AZ can benefit from our programs well into the future.
Planned gifts can be made through a will, charitable trust, or by designating Child Health & Resilience Mastery as a beneficiary in an IRA, another type of retirement or pension plan, or life insurance policy.
For more information, contact our Board Treasurer Mrs. Judith Burrola at and consult your financial advisor or lawyer for specifics, as we cannot give legal advice. Once you have chosen the most appropriate type of legacy gift for you, below is the following information you will need.
Beneficiary: Child Health & Resilience Mastery
Mailing Address: 7941 E. Presidio Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85750
Non-profit status: 501(c)(3) Tax ID: 83-2702573
English: Dylan has a best friend named Druzy, a Giraffe that only he can see, who accompanies him on adventures near and far. They catch rainbows, surf, and sing - Druzy guides Dylan throughout his day, and even while asleep dreaming -- together they never stop make-believing!
Also available in Kindle Edition for $9.99. All proceeds support scholarships for children to attend Camp Druzy.
Spanish: Dylan tiene un mejor amigo llamado Druzy, una Jirafa quien solo el puede ver, quien lo acompaña en sus aventuras. ¡Atrapan arcoíris, surfean, y cantan - Druzy guia a Dylan durante su día, hasta cuando sueña dormido -- juntos no dejan de seguir imaginando!
También disponible en la edición Kindle por $9.99. Todo lo recaudado apoya becas para niños en atender "Camp Druzy".